Our colleagues Sebastian Bergö and Johan Ehrving have had guest lectures for Master students at Chalmers University of Technology in the past weeks. As always, it is a great pleasure to meet with the students (this year in a digital format).
Sebastian gave a lecture about using intellectual property as a tool for competitiveness and profitability. The lecture was part of the course Intellectual Property Strategies. Sebastian shared some perspectives on the need for effective IP management in current and future industry ecosystems. He discussed the impact of digital transformations and how Konsert’s Value Model Framework can be used as a tool to generate business value from IP.
Johan gave a lecture on IP strategies for early-stage innovation projects, discussing how ventures need to consider numerous strategic questions in relation to intellectual property. He talked about how a structured approach to define and assess intellectual assets from codified and uncodified knowledge, combined with contextual analysis of the technology landscape, is a powerful tool for effective strategic decision making.